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man nod中文是什么意思

用"man nod"造句"man nod"怎么读"man nod" in a sentence


  • A nod of the head similiar to the [nod of acknoweldgement] but can be used between any two men, not just friends. It is an unspoken greeting in which only another man nod is an appropriate response. Signifies acceptence of presence. Verbally may be interpretted as a grunt. Universal language with no ehtnic restrictions.
  • > Bob was walking down a street in a rough neighborhood as he approached a scary looking bigger man. Thankfully the the bigger man gave Bob a man nod, which Bob returned and continued on his way.


  • The dark young man nodded .
  • The man nodded speechlessly .
  • The man nodded with satisfaction
  • The man nodded . the violinist asked, " did you lose something ?
  • The man nodded, looking slightly surprised . pandora looked rather surprised herself
  • The man nodded
  • "can you hear out of your right ear ? " the judge asked . the man nodded his head
  • "and you paid him out of the two hundred francs i left you ? " the old man nodded
  • The two men nodded, certain that they could answer whatever question the magistrate might pose
  • This short man nodded to dolgorukov, as if he were an intimate friend, and stared with an intently cold gaze at prince andrey, walking straight towards him and apparently expecting him to bow or move out of his way
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